a gif of digital rain. text over the gif reads 'chocolate croissant'

links to other sites i think are cool!

sadgrl one of my favorite neocities sites

mebious a really cool serial experiments lain site

text to ascii converts text to ascii art with lots of fonts

peachies gifs a super cute gif collection on the internet archive

99gif shop lots and lots of gifs

17776 this one is hard to explain

shishka a super aesthetic neocities site

sweethard666 really fun old web style site

jay eayton cool hard scifi art and stories

links to sites i used to help build my site!

sadgrl's layout builder a really nice layout builder

w3schools lots of handy tutorials for html & css

scm player the music player i have on my site

gifypet make your own pet for your site!

RV's effects fun free javascript effects

cbox the chatbox from my index page

webneko add a cute cat to your page

picmix how i made the blingees on my gifs page

js paint like microsoft paint! i used this to make my blinkies